Rossie, IAPublished Date: January 9, 2025Rossie is located in Clay County, Iowa and has a population of 77. The poverty rate in Rossie is 15.6% and is higher than the US poverty rate of 11.5%. The U.S. poverty level for a family of four in 2023 is $31,200. The unemployment rate in Rossie is 0% while the Clay County unemployment rate is 4.1%.
| Population | |
Male | | 40.3% |
Female | | 59.7% |
| Median Age (city/county) | |
Rossie | | 51 |
Clay | | 41.5 |
| Median Household Income (city/county) | |
Rossie | | $0 |
Clay | | $61,756 |
| Median Home Value (city/county) | |
Rossie | | $0 |
Clay | | $151,990 |
| Median Rent (city/county) | |
Rossie | | $0 |
Clay | | $752 |
| Poverty Rate (city/county) | |
Rossie | | 15.6% |
Clay | | 11.5% |
Races and Ethnicity
▩ White 97.4%
▩ Black or African American 0%
▩ Asian 0%
▩ Native 0%
▩ Pacific 0%
▩ Other 0%
▩ Hispanic 0%
ZIP Codes in Rossie: 51357